About me

I'm Ikey Doherty, founder and lead of the Serpent OS project.

I've worked exclusively on open source projects for the last two decades, both within the established industry and as a startup/competitor. My primary expertise incorporates the build and lifecycle management of open source operating systems, chiefly Linux®.

I have an extensive background in backend systems engineering roles, be they full delivery pipelines, software compliance, distributed build systems, etc. For the last 6 months I've been working on a distributed build system to leverage token-authenticated agent systems in a scalable pipeline solution to quickly and securely deploy software builds and updates for the Serpent OS project.

Most recently I've embraced the Rust programming language and continue to find new ways to integrate into existing software projects, such as Serpent OS for our tooling, and lately the Thunderbird codebase for new components and libraries.

$ whois ikey
Staff Engineer / Thunderbird Developer @ Mozilla
Lead/Founder @ Serpent OS
TSC Member @ Solus
$ whereis ikey
$ # ikey@serpentos.com
C, C++, D, Go, JavaScript, Rust, Python, Vala
Networking, Virtualisation, Build Pipelines, Frontend & Backend, Distributed Systems, Linux, Performance
Building Linux distributions from scratch. Delivering the impossible. Growing teams professionally and personally, equally.
Soft skills
I'm a motivated and proven leader with years of experience, having grown and directed multiple (corporate and FOSS) projects to continued success. Grow superior engineers, do not be irreplaceable.
This résumé was built as a simplistic demonstration using D Lang, HTML, CSS, JS, JSON, YAML, and markdown. Using Compile-Time-Function-Execution it rebuilds itself to generate the static deployment assets at runtime.
Important code
Most of my publicly available source code is available at github.com/serpent-os